The most popular non-Extradition countries


We have all imagined where we would go if forced to go on the run, laying low like James Bond on some far-flung Caribbean Island until the heat dies down, but for some, the need to disappear is a reality.

Setting aside international espionage for a minute, however, there are many very real reasons that individuals may find themselves in a situation where they need to seek asylum in a non-extradition country.

Some of the most high-profile extradition cases, such as the recent extradition of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, involve those facing charges of whistleblowing or spying but the majority of cases involved more ‘mundane’ accusations.

Just some of the reasons that you may decide to seek refuge abroad include your business being investigated, being involved in a financial dispute, and being caught up in controversial activism.

Whether you are seriously looking to safety relocate to a non-extradition country, or are simply looking to fuel your international super spy fantasies, this article will reveal some of the most popular countries to lay low in and explain exactly what it is that makes them so attractive.

What is Extradition?

Before making an elaborate escape plan, it is important to know exactly what extradition is and whether you are realistically in danger.

In simple terms, extradition involves a country returning an individual to another country in order for them to face criminal charges where the alleged offence took place.

This transfer usually takes place between countries with a pre-existing arrangement in place, known as an extradition treaty.

What are Extradition Treaties?

The first thing that you need to consider when looking for a country to escape to is whether you will face the prospect of being extradited back to the UK.

An extradition treaty allows countries to make requests for individuals to be returned to the country making the request to face criminal charges or serve an existing sentence.

If you are looking to make more than a short-term getaway from any country, therefore, you should look for a country without a pre-existing extradition treaty.

More countries than ever are signing extradition treaties, however, there are still dozens of countries that do not have such an agreement in place with the UK.

If you are planning on leaving the country and do not wish to be detained and returned at a future date, your best chance is to take refuge in one of these nations.

If you are facing charges in a different country and are concerned that should a request, be made to the UK, they will likely approve your extradition, you should look up the list of countries who do not have an extradition treaty in place with the original country NOT the UK.

What non-extradition countries are attractive to those facing charges?

Just because a country does not have an extradition treaty with the UK, does not mean that extradition is impossible.

The UK will still be able to make an extradition request, however, the receiving country will have no obligation to act on it.

For this reason, there are certain factors that make some non-extradition treaty nations more attractive to those facing charges than others.

Some of the best countries to be living in when facing extradition to the UK are:

1. China

When looking for a long-term residency in a country with no extradition treaty in place, it makes sense to choose a nation who will not be bullied or pushed into making decisions.

China is certainly in this category as one of the most powerful nations in the world and having clashed with the UK on several major international political matters.

China has the largest economy in the world, affordable living, and a huge range of living options, meaning you can continue to live whatever life you choose.

2. Mongolia

Slightly less developed than China, but with a growing economy, affordable living, and many business opportunities available, Mongolia is another vast non-extradition nation with that may be suited to someone looking to lie low.

3. Egypt, Madagascar, Ethiopia

For those looking for somewhere a bit warmer to live whilst facing extradition charges, there are several African nations that have no existing extradition treaties with the UK.

Ethiopia is one of the fastest growing economies in the continent, whilst Egypt offers Mediterranean living, and Madagascar an exotic island retreat.

Can countries with an extradition treaty refuse extradition requests?

Yes, but it doesn’t happen that often.

Some of the countries that do have extradition treaties in place with the UK but have refused to grant extradition requests in the past include Switzerland, Iceland, Germany, Zimbabwe, and Venezuela.

Switzerland in particular has extradition treaties in place but refuses to extradite for certain types of financial crimes.
