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How To Increase Collaboration Between Teams

Interdepartmental collaboration is a key component of effective work culture. That’s because if teams work hand in hand towards a common goal, your company can deliver quality results to your clients.

However, employees can sometimes neglect the importance of disseminating critical information due to the pressure of meeting deadlines. So how to increase collaboration between teams? And what must be done to ensure your staff will coordinate with their colleagues from different departments?

If you’re looking for solutions to address this issue, you’ve come to the right place as we’ll give you tips on how to improve collaborative behavior and teamwork in your company in today’s article.

Definition Of Interdepartmental Collaboration

Interdepartmental collaboration is basically the process when employees with various functions from different teams or departments are working together to accomplish a specific task or project. And the same concept can also apply to employees coordinating with each other to address a certain issue.

Cultivating a culture of collaboration between different departments is an indication of a healthy workplace. And when your workers know they can rely on their fellow co-workers, everybody can produce exceptional results and provide excellent customer service to clients.

Moreover, your workforce will be able to deal with problems easily because everyone can openly share their opinions while deducing a solution.

Tips In Improving The Culture Of Collaboration Within Your Company

1. Provide Executive Support

Rank and file employees always look up to the directors and managers within your company. And when they see the top-tiered members are dedicated to building strong social relationships with everybody, they’ll surely follow this type of behavior.

By showing to your employees that you are willing to connect and collaborate with them, you are also creating a model of a collaborative culture that should be practiced by everybody in the office.

2. Define Methods And Channels Of Communication

Communication is the key to effective collaboration. And so you must define the processes and modes of communication to be used, which includes:

  • Indicating when is the proper time to use synchronous or asynchronous communication.
  • Establishing a “communication etiquette” for your company.
  • Investing in collaboration solutions and apps that allow seamless exchange of information.
  • Concerned employees should be reached out to during escalation or pressing matters and the issue should be shared with other employees ONLY when necessary.

3. Be Transparent When Conveying Your Goal And Vision For Your Company

Different departments can only work cohesively if you convey your company’s goals and objectives in a clear and transparent manner. This is essential so you can set your expectations as to what your employees have to do to meet your established objectives. And when your staff is aware of your vision, they’ll be likely to take initiative to their work so they can add value to your organization.

4. Organize Team-Building Activities

And lastly, there’s a saying that goes like this: all work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy. In short, if your employees are only focused on their responsibilities, they’ll be disengaged and less productive eventually. So to appease the human side of your workforce, ask your managers to organize team-building activities to strengthen employee-to-employee relationships, encourage them to communicate openly, and maintain their passion at work.

Overall, these are the things to be done to improve the culture of collaboration in the workplace and to ensure smooth interdepartmental collaboration.

If you need some help in improving your business’ team collaboration, check out LookingPoint’s website today and learn more about their IT collaboration services.
